Summer lake (Lesya Ros)
500,00 €
Summer lake
Author: Lesya Ros
Technique: Oil on canvas
40×80 cm.
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Lesya Ros nació en 1965. En 1985 se graduó en la Escuela de Artes Decorativas y Aplicadas de Lviv. I. Trusha y en 1990 se graduó de la Academia de Artes de Lviv.
Desde 1990 he estado participando en exposiciones de arte, plein airs y simposios.
Participante de más de 100 exposiciones colectivas en Ucrania y en el extranjero, hay exposiciones personales. Es miembro de la Unión Nacional de Artistas de Ucrania desde 1997.
Lesya Ros was born in 1965. In 1985 she graduated from the Lviv School of Decorative and Applied Arts. I. Trusha and in 1990 graduated from the Lviv Academy of Arts.
Since 1990 I have been participating in art exhibitions, plein airs and symposiums.
Participant of more than 100 group exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad, there are personal exhibitions. He is a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine since 1997.
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